Canyon Materials, Inc. -Sinusoidal MTF Target

CMI Product Information 04-101

The transmission profile of a gray scale mask pattern is smooth and continuous in a HEBS-glass mask
(see Photo 1), but in a halftone chrome or halftone emulsion mask, the transmission profile is rough and not
continuous(see Photo 2) due to the graininess of the non-uniform gray scale resolution element of the halftone mask
(see CMI Product Information 04-100)

(A HEBS-glass sinusoidal MTF Target with a wide range of spatial frequencies is a standard product of CMI)

Photo 1A*
Photo at 1000x of sinusoidal transmission pattern 80 cycles/mm in a HEBS-glass plate

Photo 1B*
Photo at 400x of sinusoidal transmission pattern 80 cycles/mm in a HEBS-glass plate

*Note that these photos are reproduced with a halftone printing process and therefore do not exhibit the full dynamic range of the gray scale pattern in HEBS-glass.

(Picture of emulsion mask below for comparison)

Photo 2A
Photo at 1000x of sinusoidal transmission pattern, 80 cycles/mm in an emulsion mask M-19-80, best of competitor's products made of a high resolution photographic emulsion plate

Photo 2B
Photo at 400x of sinusoidal transmission pattern, 80 cycles/mm in an emulsion mask M-19-80, best of competitor's products made of a high resolution photographic emulsion plate

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